Virtual Service For January 10th

Today, we celebrate two important days on our church calendar. We celebrate Epiphany, the great celebration that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. We also celebrate Baptism of our Lord Sunday, where we celebrate Jesus’s baptism and also remember the importance of our own. I look forward to worshiping with you all again soon. January 10th, … [Read more…]

Virtual Service for January 3rd

Happy New Year Meed’s Memorial UMC Today, as we start the New Year, we invite Christmas to linger just a little in our church and in our hearts.  In our worship today, we ask what it means to keep the glory of Christmas and the joy of Christ as the guide for our lives throughout … [Read more…]

Virtual Service for December 27th

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, today is the first Sunday after Christmas, and it is only two days after we celebrated the blessed coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And it is easy to feel a little lost and a little bit of the post-Christmas letdown.  But today, as we approach the New Year, we … [Read more…]

Virtual Christmas Eve Service

Today, we celebrate Christmas Eve without so much of what makes it home to us. But today we are blessed. Blessed because we have Jesus Christ. Blessed because we have the Word of our Lord. Let us treasure these words and ponder them in our hearts. Merry Christmas Meed’s UMC. Our service is available on … [Read more…]

Virtual Service for 12-20

Today, we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent and the coming of our Lord.  As we light the fourth candle today, we are apart from one another, but we remember that we are at home with the Lord wherever we are because he created a home with us when His Son was born and the … [Read more…]

Church Service for 11-29

This week, we begin the Advent Season and we celebrate the nearness of our Lord while keeping faith in God and the future in this difficult time. I hope all are well and staying safe in this unprecedented holiday season. November 29th, 2020 First Sunday in Advent Prelude: Announcements: Greetings of Grace and Peace: Call … [Read more…]

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Brothers and Sisters, our Thanksgiving Eve Service is now posted.  As we prepare to celebrate a Thanksgiving like no other, let us all, as a family of Christ, take the time to be thankful to our God, who has provided us with so many blessings. A Thanksgiving Reading: Announcements: Greetings of Grace and Peace: Call … [Read more…]