Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 2nd
In today’s scripture lesson, Jesus tells us that to truly be happy in our lives and to live as we are meant to, we need to “Abide in Him.” In today’s service, we talk about what exactly that means.
In today’s scripture lesson, Jesus tells us that to truly be happy in our lives and to live as we are meant to, we need to “Abide in Him.” In today’s service, we talk about what exactly that means.
Today is the fourth Sunday of Easter, and it is Good Shepherd Sunday. Today we find comfort that Jesus is our shepherd, but we also challenge ourselves to full accept that we have to put away our egos and follow Him with our whole hearts.
In today’s service, as we continue into the third week of the Easter Season, we look at why we as Christians go to church and we celebrate that the resurrection is real, the Kingdom of God is real, and the eternal grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is real.
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter. But as we celebrate the glory of the Risen Christ, we also try to figure out why so many people in our world today think that we as Christians are judgmental and we try to sort out what we can to show everyone we just want to … [Read more…]
Christ the Lord is Risen Today! Alleluia. Happy Easter Meed’s UMC. Today, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we try to wrap our heads around just how amazing and world shaking the empty tomb really is.
On Sunday, we celebrate the Glory of the Empty Tomb. Today, however, we experience the sadness, confusion, and grief of Good Friday as we experience the Passion of Jesus as the Disciples did. Today, we experience Friday, not knowing that Sunday is Coming.
Tonight, we as a church commemorate Maundy Thursday and the pace of Holy Week quickens to a sprint. On this holy and set aside night, we commemorate the last supper, and the new commandment that Jesus gave to his followers that night and to us as his followers even today.
Today, we begin Holy Week. This morning, we celebrate Palm Sunday and we also commemorate the Passion of Christ. It is a busy week, and a bit of a confusing one. When we hear the Passion story, we – the church – are simultaneously the ones who pour accolades on the entering Jesus and the … [Read more…]
This week, as we near the end of our Lenten journey, we are reminded that we are not limited because we have accepted Christ as our Lord and savior. Instead, we are granted access to a love greater than we could ever understand. We remember that we need to show that love to the world … [Read more…]