Church Service for 11-29

This week, we begin the Advent Season and we celebrate the nearness of our Lord while keeping faith in God and the future in this difficult time. I hope all are well and staying safe in this unprecedented holiday season.

November 29th, 2020

First Sunday in Advent



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

We come from a world of darkness
Into Christ’s world of light.
We come from a world of weariness
Into God’s strength and hope.
We come from a slumbering world.
Strengthened by the Spirit, we come to awaken our souls and watch for the coming of Christ.

Opening Prayer: 

Father God, we thank You that You have promised to be with us no matter what difficult circumstances invade our lives and we lift up our many brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing increasingly hard times. We are watching and waiting for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ and join with the Spirit in praying: “Come Lord Jesus”. In these increasingly difficult times, we ask for Your strength and courage to face whatever lies ahead, knowing that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us… and that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. AMEN.

Songs of Praise: 

Call to Confession:

Prayer of Confession: 

We confess, Surprising God, that our sense of anticipation has been dulled. We have ceased to expect any wonders from your hand. We do not see the marvels around us in the people and happenings we view as commonplace. We are not alert to your presence or your action on our behalf. Wake us up, God, lest sleep be our death. Pardon and redeem us, that we may escape the judgment we are bringing on ourselves. Send your light that it may shine through us into a needy world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Old Testament Lesson:  Isaiah 64:  1 – 9

Gospel Reading:  Mark 14:  24 – 37

*Gloria Patri:

Call to Offering: 

Message:  The Moment

Lighting of the Advent Candle:

Pastoral Prayer:

Closing Song: 

Dismissal with Blessing: