Hello All, our virtual service for the week is attached here. I apologize for the delay, I had some internet issues this weekend. God Bless all of you and stay safe in this difficult time.
November 15th, 2020
Twenty Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Greetings of Grace and Peace:
Call to Worship:
Come! Share the joy of the Lord!
Delight in God’s goodness!
Praise God who gives each person a special gift to be nurtured and shared.
Lord, we thank you for these gifts!
Come, let us worship God who entrusts us with so much.
Lord, make us worthy of your love and trust in us. Amen!
Opening Praise: I Will Bless Thee O Lord, We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise
Opening Prayer:
God, Father of the poor, your Son Jesus was born among us
poor, humble and dependent. Open our eyes and our hearts and our hands to honor him now as our Lord and King by welcoming in those who are hungry and thirsty, in all who are abandoned and lonely, in refugees, in the poor and the sick. Let our love become free and spontaneous, like the tenderness you have shown us in your Son. Welcome us in the everlasting Kingdom prepared for us through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Hymn: It is Well
Prayer of Confession:
Lord of mercy and justice, you have given us so many talents and gifts to be used in your world. You have given us these gifts because you trust us to use them well — and you will be with us in all our work. But we disappoint you when we denigrate the value of the talents or become so fearful of failure that we don’t believe that we are capable of helping in this world. Lord, forgive us. Help us to trust in the gifts you have given to us and to trust in your guidance in using them. Forgive us when we are fearful, stubborn, apathetic, indifferent to the needs around us. Give us hearts for serving you all our days. In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN.
Epistle Lesson: I Thessalonians 5: 1-11
Gospel Reading: Matthew 25: 14-30
*Gloria Patri:
Call to Offering: (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)
Offertory Prayer:
Message: Enter into the Joy
Pastoral Prayer:
Closing Song: You’re a Wonderful Savior to Me
Dismissal with Blessing:
*Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able.