Our All Saints Day service for November 1st is now posted. It can be viewed by clicking on this link or by clicking on the video on the side of this page. Today, we celebrate All Saints Day. On this special day, we remember and celebrate all of those who have come before us in the faith. We rejoice in the fact that God’s kingdom is eternal and we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves. I look forward to worshiping with you all again soon.
November 1st, 2020
All Saints Day
Greetings of Grace and Peace:
Call to Worship:
We have come to affirm our historic faith.
To worship the God of our mothers and fathers.
We have come to remember God’s benefits to us the living.
To respond in thanksgiving to the mighty works of God in our lives.
We have come to affirm our trust in the God of all futures,
To whose name be blessing and honor, glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
Opening Praise: It Won’t Be Long, Soon and Very Soon, When the Saints Go Marching In
Opening Prayer:
We seek and find you in Creation, O God, in the world you have made and the people you have called. Your vulnerable, powerful Lamb is our shepherd and guide, leading us to share the shelter of your abundant life. Let us recognize you here in the beauty of this morning and in its challenge; may the Risen One, your Shepherd-Lamb, lead us to act for your justice and peace: so that all may drink from your springs of the waters of life, and find their tears of sorrow and pain wiped away. In the name of the Risen One we pray: Amen.
Hymn: Softly and Tenderly
New Testament Lesson: Revelation 7: 9 – 17
Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:1-12
*Gloria Patri:
Call to Offering: (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)
Offertory Prayer:
Message: On Earth as It is In Heaven
Responsive Prayer of Confession:
God, you send us saints …
And we imprison them, or nail them on crosses. Have mercy.
God, you send us saints …
And we persuade ourselves that they are fools, or meddlers or incompetents. Have mercy.
God, you send us saints …
And we hate them for reminding us that our comfort requires the poverty of others. Have mercy.
God, you send us saints …
And we ignore them. Have mercy.
Assurance of Pardon:
Invitation to the Table:
Holy Communion: Please see Insert
Closing Song: When We All Get to Heaven
Dismissal with Blessing
*Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able.