Virtual Service Only This Week

Hello Meed’s UMC. It pains me that we are not able to worship in person this week. I look forward to worshiping with all of you again soon. This week’s virtual service is now posted. It is on the side of our webpage, linked on this post, and on our YouTube page. God is present with us, and His goodness is with us, even if we are not together this week.

Our program of worship is attached to this post.

October 18th, 2020

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Virtual Worship Service


Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

The goodness of the Lord passes before us;
The name of the Holy One is proclaimed for all to hear.
God is gracious and merciful to whomever God chooses;
Show us your glory, O Lord, we pray!

Opening Prayer:

Gracious God, make known to us all you have done, and all you have yet to do.  Speak to us once more your powerful message of deliverance.  Deliverance from oppression and injustice.  Deliverance from fear and hopelessness.  Deliverance from slavery to sin and death.  Free us in this hour from all that would stifle our spirits.  May your word in us bear fruit for all the world.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession: 

Compassionate God, we confess that we have failed you.  We have not proclaimed your word.  We have caused others to suffer.  We have been afraid to answer your call.  Forgive us, O God.  Touch us with your spirit, and heal our brokenness.  Give us courage to go where you send us.  Give us wisdom to share your love.  Amen

Assurance of Pardon:

Special Music:  Out of this Hole

Old Testament Lesson:  Exodus 33:  12 – 23

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 22:  15-22

*Gloria Patri:

Call to Offering:  (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)

Message:  My Presence will Go with You

Pastoral Prayer:

Special Music:  Out of this Hole Reprise

Dismissal with Blessing: