Hello All,
Our virtual service for the week is now posted. You can view the video on the side of our homepage, on our YouTube Channel, or by clicking on the title of this post.
God Bless and I look forward to worshiping with all of you again soon.
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Greetings of Grace and Peace:
Call to Worship:
O Lord, majestic in holiness, who is like you?
In the greatness of your majesty
you overthrew your adversaries.
O Lord, awesome in splendor, who is like you?
Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power,
shattered the enemy.
O Lord, worker of wonders, who is like you?
Sing to the Lord, my strength and my might,
you are my salvation!
Opening Praise: Jesus, Name Above All Names / Step Into the Water
Opening Prayer:
God of Wisdom and mercy, in your kingdom the lowly are made great, as they wait upon you and receive your grace. Open our hearts to your kingdom today. Heal our brokenness and restore us to the wholeness for which we were intended. Renew in us a childlike faith, as we hear your word and sing your praises, that we might go from this place proclaiming the good news of the Gospel. Amen.
Hymn: Freely, Freely
Prayer of Confession:
In this house of prayer, we thank you for your gracious leading. We confess that it is a challenge to know how to live as followers of Jesus. We struggle sometimes. When we are fearful or uncertain, give us wisdom. When we are defensive or hostile to interruptions and opportunities, give us clarity and understanding. When we act like we lack what we need, forgive us and inspire us with your Holy Presence. We pray in the name of the one who came to bring life and spirit to the world. Amen.
Old Testament Lesson: Exodus 14: 19-31
*Gloria Patri:
Call to Offering: (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)
Offertory Prayer:
Gospel Reading: Matthew 18:21-35
Message: Stretching Out
Community Prayer:
Closing Song: Oh How I Love Jesus
Dismissal with Blessing
*Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able.