Hello All,
Our virtual service for the week is now posted. You can view the video on the side of our homepage, on our YouTube Channel, or by clicking on the title of this post.
I look forward to continuing worship with all of you. God bless.
September 6th, 2020
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Greetings of Grace and Peace:
Call to Worship:
Our Hearts are Hungry.
We seek to hear your word.
We wander from sea to sea, but we do not hear
We run to and fro, be we do not find the word we seek.
Come to this quiet place; center your hearts.
We will hear the word of the Lord.
Opening Praise: I will Celebrate / How Great Thou Art
Opening Prayer:
Merciful God, we go through life feeling tested. Whenever anything goes wrong, we wonder what have I done to deserve this? Help us remember that you seek our salvation, not our pain. Remind us that your ways lead to life, not death. Teach us again that you are holy and just, abiding in steadfast love, that we might rise above our doubts, and embrace your mercy.
Hymn: Just as I Am
Prayer of Confession:
Oh God we come with sighs too deep for words. We find ourselves at times too self-centered. We show partiality to those who are like us. We fear and reject those who are foreign to us. We close our ears to their cries and our hearts to their needs. We do not even offer crumbs. Help us to have a generous and open spirit. May we always be willing to admit our mistakes in judgment and in deed and work to correct the injustices they may cause. May we have a living faith and transform us with your radical love that we may be the people you call us to be. Amen.
Old Testament Lesson: Exodus 12: 1-14
Epistle Lesson: Romans 13: 8-14
*Gloria Patri:
Call to Offering: (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)
Offertory Prayer:
Gospel Reading: Matthew 18:15-20
Message: The Background
Community Prayer:
Closing Song: There Shall be a Shower of Blessings
Dismissal with Blessing
*Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able.