Virtual Service for August 30th

Hello All,

Our virtual service for the week is now posted. It was a true blessing to worship in our church sanctuary again this morning. You can view the video on the side of our homepage, on our YouTube Channel, or by clicking on the title of this post.

I look forward to continuing worship with all of you.

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

Hear the Good News:  what we do matters,
But our salvation is God’s doing.
The Lord has chosen to dwell with us, and through his presence, the world is transformed. 
Teach us how to live in the Lord’s kingdom and to dwell in peace with all people.

God hears our prayers,

He never abandons us.  He is with us always.

Opening Praise:  Take up Your Cross

Opening Prayer:

God, you are made known to us in the rustling wind that blows, in the blazing fire that does not consume, in the face of the good, in the deep of the unknown. We meet you here. We accept your greeting. We welcome your inspiration. We await the change you have in store for us. Draw us in to you. Inhabit our spirits. Focus our attention. Bring us to you. Help us to be as you would have us be. Through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, here and everywhere, now and always. Amen.

Hymn:  Jesus Never Fails

Prayer of Confession: 

Almighty God, we have failed to do justice. We have failed to show mercy to others but expect it for ourselves. We have forgotten to be kind. Wake us up to see the violence, the injustice and oppression in our world. Call us away from the worldly ways of looking after ourselves, and to Your ways of seeing all of Your people as our kin, all of creation as our home. Forgive us, help us to repent, to turn to You and to live into your ways of justice, peace and mercy. Amen.

Old Testament Lesson:  Exodus 3:  1-15

*Gloria Patri:

Call to Offering:  (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)


Offertory Prayer:

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 16:21-28

Message:  Stumbling Blocks

Community Prayer:

Closing Song:  I Have Decided

Dismissal with Blessing *Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able