Service for This Week

Hello All,

Our church service for the week is now available on our YouTube Page. There is also a link connected to this page and on the side of our homepage.

God is Good. Our bulletin for the day is below as well.

Today’s Service

August 16th, 2020

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!
It is like a summer rain which restores the parched earth.
It is like a cool breeze at the shore of a lake, at the top of a mountain or through a crowded city street.
God meets us here.
We have gathered to worship the Maker of Our Days, the Restorer of Our Souls and the Breath of Our Lives.

Opening Praise:  I’m So Glad

Opening Prayer:

Be with us, O God, and be gracious with your needy servants.  To you we bring the cares of our lives, and the deepest yearnings of our souls.  Strengthen us, we pray, by the healing balm of your love and the steadfast guidance of your teachings.  We lift up our hands and open our hearts to your embracing and transforming love.  Amen

Special Music:  Pastor John and Sheena

Prayer of Confession: 

God of steadfast love, we so often fail you.  We nurture anger and violence, and fail to see that all people are your beloved children.  Our words are destructive and hurtful.  Teach us to imitate you.  May love and kindness spring up in our lives.  May we be tenderhearted and forgiving.  May our words bring healing and reconciliation.    Amen

Old Testament Lesson:  Genesis 45:1–15

*Gloria Patri:

Call to Offering:  (Please leave offering in baskets upon exit)


Offertory Prayer:

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 15:21-28

Message:  Your Faith is Enough

Community Prayer:

Closing Song:  Victory in Jesus

*Dismissal with Blessing

*Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able.