Church Service for August 9th

Hello, our church service for the week is now posted. It is on the right hand side of this page or on our YouTube channel. Have a wonderful week. This week’s bulletin is in this post. Just click on the title of the post.



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

The Spirit of God gave the universe birth.
The Spirit of God delivered the world.
Our God is the first; our God is the last.
No other god declares the word of creation.
Yet this same God invites us, saying, “Do not be afraid!”
Worship the One who banishes fear, who comforts the trembling and quickens the faint! Worship the One whose creation is renewed and whose creatures are never forsaken!

*Opening Praise:  Our God Reigns and There’s Within my Heart a Melody

Opening Prayer:

God of Love, you peer into each heart and soul and cherish us just the same.  Be with us now as we come into your presence with reverence and humility, with joy and expectation.  Help us to live more fully with the realization of your endless love for us.  For Lord you lifted us out of the depths and we will sing your praises forever.  Amen

Children’s Message:

*Hymn:  Precious Lord, Take my Hand

Prayer of Confession: 

Though we labor for food that perishes, Lord, you will give us bread that endures forever.  Though we do what displeases you, you will show us mercy; you will forgive our sins.  Though the truth may be hidden in darkness, Lord, you will teach us wisdom.  Teach us; feed us; forgive us.  Amen

Old Testament Lesson:  Genesis 37:1–4, 12–28

*Gloria Patri:



Gospel Reading:  Matthew 14:22–33

Message:  Why did You Doubt?

Community Prayer:

*Closing Song:  “I Know Whom I Have Believed”

*Dismissal with Blessing