Bulletin for August 2nd


I just realized I forgot to post the bulletin for today! Sorry for the delay. Pastor John.



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

Come be cleansed of all that binds us to our brokenness.

We shall be free.

Cleansed by God, who can hold us in the chains of yesterday’s sins?

We shall be free.

Here in the presences of God’s flowing grace, we can overcome fear!

We shall be free of our own fear and doubt.

We are invited to know wholeness.  Do you so believe?

By faith, we will immerse ourselves today in the love of God, a love that leads to healing and wholeness. 

Then let us gather in anticipation and hope.

Let everyone give thanks and praise to our God!  Let everyone praise God for the Spirit of Christ. 

*Opening Praise:  See Insert

Opening Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Your name above every other name, we praise you. We pray that your name is blessed now and forever, in good times and in bad, from east to west. Your name is worthy of praise. Your name is powerful. Your name rules over the nations. Your glory is higher than the heavens. Your name is beautiful. Let us praise the name of the Lord together.  Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Children’s Message:

*Hymn:  See Insert

Prayer of Confession:

My sin is against you and you alone, Lord.  You have exposed me for what I am.  You alone can cleanse me.  You alone can put away my shame.  Turn your face from my guilt, Lord.  Give me a new heart.  Give me a truthful spirit.  Keep me in your presence.  Heal my broken hear.  Return the joy of your salvation to me.  Uphold me by your Holy Spirit.  Hear my prayer.  In Jesus’ name.   Amen.

Epistle Reading:  Romans 9:1–5

*Gloria Patri:



Gospel Reading:  Matthew 14:13–21

Message:  You Give them Something to Eat

Community Prayer:

*Closing Song:  See Insert

*Dismissal with Blessing