Hello Meed’s UMC,
Our worship service for July 26th is now posted on our YouTube Channel. There is a link to that channel on the side of this page. There is also a direct link if you click on the title of this post. The bulletin for this week is there is well. I look forward to worshiping with all of you soon.
Greetings of Grace and Peace:
Call to Worship:
Lord, your children are weary, disheartened, and overcome.
God, gather us together, and hold us in your holy, loving arms.
As a deer for streams of water,
So our souls pant for you, O God.
Our souls thirst for the living God,
Wet our lips with your living water, O God.
To God we open our downcast souls.
Refresh us with your love and your songs.
To God we direct all of our hurts and hopes.
You are the source of our hope and our salvation. Amen.
*Opening Praise: See Insert
Opening Prayer:
O God, we are your people. Transform us and make us anew. Spin us into strong threads of love and caring. Weave us into a community of wisdom and compassion, kindness and rejoicing. Sew us into garments of strength and dignity. We are your people, the work of your hands. Let us praise you today and always. Amen
Children’s Message:*Hymn: See Insert
Prayer of Confession:
We can’t help ourselves, Lord. Try as we may, we always seem to forget your teachings; we always seem to ignore your judgments. We renounce your word, and we fail to follow your commandments. Our disobedience deserves punishment, yet you have promised us your steadfast love. Lord, your faithfulness has always proven true, your covenant remains constant. You will never alter your promise to us. You will never break your word. Through your name we lift our heads, and in your name we pray. Amen.
Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52
*Gloria Patri:
Epistle Reading: Romans 8:26–39
Message: More than Conquerers
Community Prayer:
*Closing Song: See Insert
*Dismissal with Blessing