Virtual Worship Service for July 19th, 2020

Our virtual worship service for the week of July 19th is now posted on our YouTube page. There is also a direct link if you click on the title of this post.

The bulletin for the week is also attached to this post.

God is Good.

Virtual Service for the Week of July 19th



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

God of our days, you call us to work in your world.

Strengthen our arms and encourage our hearts for the tasks    

you lay before us.

Help us to lay aside our worries and to rejoice in your gifts.

Silence our conflicts and teach us gentleness and mercy.

Let us now worship you, O Lord!

May all we do praise you forever.  Amen.

*Opening Praise:  See Insert

Opening Prayer:

O God, we come into your gracious presence preoccupied with our cares, afraid to face our emptiness.  Disclose your wisdom in the reading of your Holy Word, and in the proclamation of your Gospel.  May our labors be pleasing to you, and may we be inspired to proclaim the good news of Jesus, or Lord and Savior.  Amen

Children’s Message:*Hymn:  See Insert

Prayer of Confession:

Compassionate God, we confess that we have failed you.  We have not proclaimed your word.  We have caused others to suffer.  We have been afraid to answer your call.  Forgive us, O God.  Touch us with your spirit, and heal our brokenness.  Give us courage to go where you send us.  Give us wisdom to share your love.  Amen.

Old Testament Reading:  Genesis 28:10–19a

*Gloria Patri:



Gospel Reading:  Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43

Message:  “Every Piece will Still Love You”

Community Prayer:

*Closing Song:  See Insert

*Dismissal with Blessing

*Congregation is Invited to Stand If Able.