Bulletin for This Week

Hello Meed’s UMC,

Although we are still worshiping virtually this week, I wanted to include a copy of the bulletin for those who would like to participate this Sunday. The service will be posted on our YouTube Channel by Sunday Morning.

I look forward to worshiping with you all soon.



Greetings of Grace and Peace:

Call to Worship:

This morning, O God, Hear our voices.

This morning, O God, we raise our voices to you.

Trusting in the abundance of our love, we enter your house again, after far too long, to worship you.

We bow down in awe and worship you anew.

Lead us, O Lord, in your righteousness.

Make your ways clear before us.

*Opening Praise:  “Open Our Eyes” and “Here I am Lord”

Opening Prayer:

God of Mercy and Redemption, be with us today.  As we gather in this holy place, Safe from the storms of life that rage outside, be our strength and our refuge.  Provide for us calm in the raging seas of our world.  We open our hearts and minds to you; fill them with your joy and your love, your peace and your reassurance.  Amen

Children’s Message:

*Hymn:  Wonderful Words of Life

Epistle Reading:  Romans 7:15–25a

Apostle’s Creed

*Gloria Patri:



Gospel Reading:  Matthew 11:16–19, 25–30

Message:  “Rest for your Souls”

Community Prayer:

*Closing Song:  “Standing on the Promises”

*Dismissal with Blessing